Understanding Methylene Blue

Understanding Methylene Blue

Benefits of Methylene Blue:

  • Enhanced energy levels.
  • Improved memory.
  • Increased focus, which is important as the quality of focus within a given time frame matters more than the mere passage of time. Having the energy to actually perform within the finite amount of hours you have daily is what makes those hours valuable in the first place. 
  • Research suggests that Methylene Blue can even reverse skin aging.

The Science of Methylene Blue:

  • Methylene Blue acts on the mitochondria within your cells.
  • It serves as an electron donor, supplying a charge to your cells.
  • It functions by enabling your cells to produce ATP (energy).

Additional Uses:

  • Some companies have experimented with blending tallow balm and Methylene Blue, which is an interesting concept, but I still prefer using the tallow balm products from Vintage Tradition because I only have to apply them once a day, unlike the Methylene Blue tallow which I’ve experimented with and requires two daily applications. 
  • Methylene Blue can act as an anti-parasitic and can even be effective against the C-19.
  • It also possesses antibacterial properties, however, there are concerns about its impact on the gut microbiome. Which leads into the next point…

Methylene Blue’s Potential Negative Effects:

  • A study involving mice (Mice A, B, and C) found that moderation of Methylene Blue (as in mice B) did not significantly affect the gut microbiome, but mice that received super high doses (group C) did experience changes in their gut microbiome.
  • Some people have reported anxiety as a potential side effect of Methylene Blue usage, which seems paradoxical considering Methylene Blue's role in increasing ATP, a relaxant. What’s happening here is that the increased recall and memory enhancement could potentially lead to increased negative thoughts, so addressing your mental health is essential before considering Methylene Blue use.
  • Do not take Methylene Blue before sleep if you have difficulty falling asleep. It is not a sleep supplement. Its purpose regarding sleep is to enhance focus and energy, potentially leading to lucid dreams, but this is only a viable option if you’re not someone who struggles to fall asleep. 
  • Methylene Blue may cause your urine to appear blue. This is okay, as it’s a natural side effect. So don’t be alarmed if you see this. 

Usage and Dosage:

  • In my personal experience, I take one dropper full (5mg) of Methylene Blue before important tasks, but not on a daily basis. Reserve its use for focus-intensive activities only, e.g., making YouTube videos or performing these live calls.
  • In cases where focus is crucial, a dose of 2 droppers (10mg) may be suitable.
  • Most of your energy should come from whole food sources though. 

Types of Methylene Blue:

  • There are two types of Methylene Blue available: industrial and pharmaceutical grade. 
  • We’re looking at the pharmaceutical type here. 
  • Ensure you choose a product that is USP verified and has a COA certificate. 
  • Meraki medicinal is the brand that I use.

Methylene Blue:

  • www.merakimedicinal.com/KAALRAAM
  • or use code KAALRAAM for a 15% discount


Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, I am simply sharing my personal experience. Please use your own judgment to determine if Methylene Blue is a supplemental tool worth experimenting with.

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